[2CDr] Generation Skweee – Prima


SKU: 01. Category: CDr.


Double release from Generation Skweee. Exclusive wooden packing (birch), laser engraving, hand packing. Limited edition (only 25 pcs!). Free shipping.

Generation Skweee invites you to make a rapid journey through the pages of books and get to the concrete music interspersed with techno-methods.


  1. My Name Is Julio/Citadelle [13:31] [Dedication to Julio Cortazar and Antoine de Saint-Exupéry]
  2. Fragment/Memorandum [23:09] [Dedication to Franz Kafka and William Gibson]
  3. Book Of Dreams/Le Depeupler [11:01] [Dedication to Jack Kerouac and Samuel Beckett]
  4. Stream Of Consciousness/Report [14:44] [Dedication to Virginia Woolf and James Joyce]
  5. Simone [10:25] [Dedication to Albert Camus]
  6. Men Without Women/The Red-Headed League [10:53] [Dedication to Ernest Hemingway and Arthur Conan Doyle]
  7. Dirty [07:10] [Dedication to Stephen King]

Free download version: h-a-z-e.org/archives/1872